Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Osmosis experiment(:

At first me, Josh, and Sam had to come up with a lab experiment that shows osmosis. The supplies given to us where cups, baggies, and a scale that measured weight in grams. We all came to a conclusion of how we were gonna conduct this experiment. First we gathered all of our experiment materials and placed them in our lab area. The experiment had to be controlled, so we filled our 3 cups with 5 oz. of water and selected our three baggies to put our substances into. Opening the top of the baggy I tied the bottom of the bag with about 5 inches of string so that our inside substances wouldn't come out the bottom. After all 3 baggies were tied we filled each with water, but not too much water to where we couldn't add anything into it. Now it was time to add our substances into the bags of water. 3 different types of products we were gonna test. Equate Antacids, Cheerios, and Light Corn Syrup we chosen to use. Crushing the 3 antacids, I had to make sure that the pieces were small enough to fit and cause osmosis. When it was finally crushed, Sam held open the bag and I poured the entire substance into the  baggy. Finally, I tied the top of the bag and we set it aside. We followed the same steps with the cheerios. From crushing up 4 cheerios, to adding it into the water and tying the top. This time if the corn syrup we just had to pour some corn syrup into the baggie. After tying that last baggy, we grabbed all baggies with the substances in it, and weighed each separately. The baggy with the antacid results showed 12.88 grams. The baggy with the cheerios weighed 10.78. Next we weighed the baggy with the corn syrup showing 5.86. After all three were weighed we dropped them into the 3 seperate cups we started with. Our times to  analyze our data was in 1 hour and a day later. An hour later I came in and took out the 3 baggies and dried them all. Once they were dried I took each and placed it on the scale one at a time and recorded its grams. Antacids pulled in 1.11 oz and now weighing 13. 99 oz. Cheerios pulled in .97 oz now weighing 11. 71 oz. Corn syrup gained .73 oz now weighing. The following day we then measured their weight once more. Antacids started with 12. 88 then an hour later weighed 13.99 and a day later weighed 13.55. Cheerios started with 10.78 then 11.71 and ended with 11.59. Corn syrup started with 5.86 then an hour later weighed 6.59 and ended with 5.95. My results showed that with their starting weighted osmosis allowed water in the hour before I collected my results. A day later osmosis occurred when letting water out because each weighed less than the hour later analysis.  
By definition, osmosis is the tendency of a fluid, usually water to pass through asemipremeable membrane into a solution where the solvent concentration in higher, thus equalizing the concentrations of materials on either side of the membrane. In our lab osmosis occurred because water passed through the baggy from the outside inside of the baggy. Where the concentration is higher the water goes into.  Connceting this to my lab, the water passed into the baggy because the concentration was higher and making it weigh more than it did before.

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